The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary Comprising the Terms and Phrases of...
Shumaker, Walter A. The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary Comprising the Terms and Phrases of American Jurisprudence, Including Ancient and Modern Common Law, International Law, and Numerous Select Titles from the Civil Law, the French and the Spanish Law, etc., etc. with an Exhaustive Collection of Legal Maxims. Second Edition by James C. Cahill. Chicago: Callaghan and Company, 1922. xii, 545 pp. Reprinted 2001 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN-13: 9781886363854. ISBN-10: 1886363854. Hardcover. New. $150. * Reprint of the second edition. A one-volume law dictionary intended to define and provide explanations of words and maxims relating strictly to law, without elucidation, for those not deeply acquainted with law. Shumaker based the work on the 1867 edition of Bouvier's Law Dictionary and added modern terms and maxims, which more than doubled the number of entries in the original.
Price: $150.00
Book number 28763