Book #29513
Item #29513 Plan of Parliamentary Reform, in the Form of a Catechism, with. Jeremy Bentham.

Plan of Parliamentary Reform, in the Form of a Catechism, with...

Bentham, Jeremy. Plan of Parliamentary Reform, in the Form of a Catechism, with Reasons for Each Article. With an Introduction, Shewing the Necessity of Radical, and the Inadequacy of Moderate, Reform. Originally published: London: T.J. Wooler, 1818. [vi], 156 pp. Reprinted 2002 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN-13: 9781584771210 ISBN-10: 1584771216. Hardcover. New. $34.95 * The legendary law reformer points his pen directly at the British class system as it is manifested in the Parliament and its processes, calls for expansive democratic reform in the form of "democratical ascendancy," (15) and praises the United States Constitution. After the publication of this volume in 1818, his plea for universal suffrage was criticized by the Edinburgh Review for the expectation that it would lead to attacks on property. See Holdsworth, History of English Law XIII:104, 251.

Price: $34.95

Book number 29513

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