The Rhodian Sea-Law. Edited from the Manuscripts.
Ashburner, Walter. The Rhodian Sea-Law. Edited from the Manuscripts. Originally published: Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909. ccxciii, [3], 132 pp. Reprinted 2001, 2015 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN-13: 9781584771739; ISBN-10: 1584771739. Hardcover. New. $34.95 * The Rhodian laws are a code of maritime laws adopted by the people of the island of Rhodes approximately between 600 and 800 A.D. The Rhodes were at that time the sovereign rulers of the sea. The text includes the Lex Rhodia de Iactu, which is the origin of the modern law of general average. Contains the original Greek text of the constitutions, a translation and commentary and a subject index. This edition is highlighted by a lengthy introduction that places the Sea-Laws in historical perspective. An important volume for the scholar of admiralty or maritime law or international trade. See Walker, The Oxford Companion to Law 1069. "An exhaustive work." Sweet & Maxwell, A Legal Bibliography of the British Commonwealth I:504.
Price: $34.95
Book number 30584