The Law of Copyright, Being a Compendium of Acts of Parliament...
The First English Treatise on Copyright Montefiore, Joshua. The Law of Copyright, Being a Compendium of Acts of Parliament and Adjudged Cases, Relative to authors, publishers, printers, artists, musical composers, print-sellers. Originally published: London: James Wallis, 1802. ix, 59 pp. Reprinted 2008 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN-13: 9781584779148; ISBN-10: 1584779144. Hardcover. New. $39.95 * Reprint of the only edition of the first English treatise devoted exclusively to the law of copyright. It was published one year after the passage of the landmark Copyright Act, which extended the effect of the Statute of Anne (1710) to Ireland and introduced the first statutory provision to use the term 'copyright'. A Jewish solicitor from London who moved to the United States after the War of 1812, Montefiore [1762-1843] published several works on commercial law, such as the Commercial Dictionary (1803), which is available as a Lawbook Exchange reprint.
Price: $39.95
Book number 53555