Book #58934
Item #58934 The Law of Copyright, In Works of Literature and Art; Including... PB. Walter Copinger, Ronan Deazley, with New Intro.
The Law of Copyright, In Works of Literature and Art; Including... PB
The Law of Copyright, In Works of Literature and Art; Including... PB
The Law of Copyright, In Works of Literature and Art; Including... PB

The Law of Copyright, In Works of Literature and Art; Including... PB

First Edition of "A Standard Book on the Law of Copyright" Copinger, Walter. Deazley, Ronan (New Introduction). The Law of Copyright, In Works of Literature and Art: Including that of Drama, Music, Engraving, Sculpture, Painting, Photography and Ornamental and Useful Designs; Together with International and Foreign Copyright, With the Statutes Relating Thereto, and Reference to the English and American Decisions. Originally published: London: Stevens and Haynes, 1870. xix (iii-xix new introduction), xxii, 266, cxlix pp. Reprinted 2008, 2012 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. With a New introduction by Ronan Deazley, Professor of Law, University of Glasgow. ISBN-13: 9781616192488; ISBN-10: 1616192488. Paperback. New. $29.95 * Reprint of the first edition. "A standard book on the law of copyright was published by W.A. Copinger [1847-1910] in 1870. It deals very fully with the history and the statute law as to literary copyright; as to Crown and university and college copyright; as to musical, dramatic, and artistic copyright, and copyright in designs; as to international copyright and copyright in foreign countries; and as to agreements between authors and publishers. The merits of the book are proved by the fact that it reached a ninth edition in 1958." --William S. Holdsworth, History of English Law XV 299-300 WALTER ARTHUR COPINGER [1847-1910] was a barrister-at-law of the Middle Temple.

Price: $29.95

Book number 58934

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