Corpus Juris Secundum. 2018 General Index Vols. A-Z, 5 books.
Corpus Juris Secundum. 2018 General Index Volumes A-Z, in 5 books. Thomson Reuters, 2018. Softbound. As new, excellent condition. Publisher's Price USD 2,135. Special $95. * These new 2018 General Index volumes provides up-to-date coverage of all CJS volumes and supplements published as of July, 2018. Researchers using this General Index will find their way into the text whether they begin their search under words and phrases descriptive of legal remedies, procedures, rules, or doctrines, or the things, acts, persons, or places involved. Corpus Juris Secundum provides a contemporary statement of American law as derived from reported cases and legislation. Covers the general rule of law summarized in "Black Letter" headings and expanded upon in the text with the vital exceptions to the rule. Citations advise when a case has been modified and helps the reader locate particular laws.
Price: $95.00
Book number 69158