Anno Octavo Reginae Elizabethe: At the Parliament Begun and Holden...
Statutes from the Eighth Year of Elizabeth I [Great Britain]. Elizabeth I [1533-1603], Queen of England. Anno Octavo Reginae Elizabethe. At the Parliament by Prorogation Holden at Westminster the Last Day of September, In the Eight Yeere of the Raigne of Our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth, By the Grace of God, Of Englande, Fraunce, And Irelande Queene, Defender of the Fayth. &c. And There Continued to the Ende and Dissolution of the Same: To the Hygh Pleasure of Almyghtie God, And the Weale Publique of This Realme, Amongst Other Were Enacted as Foloweth. [London: Richarde Iugge], 1566 [i.e. 1574?]. [98] pp. Lacking leaf 2C6, a blank. Folio (10" x 7"). Recent three-quarter calf over marbled boards, blind fillets and gilt title and date to spine, endpapers renewed. Title page printed within woodcut border, large woodcut initials. Light toning to interior, light soiling in a few places, most of leaf 2C6, a blank, torn away, margin of leaf F2 excised with loss to chapter number on recto but no loss to text or catchword, lower corner of final leaf lacking without loss to text, small tear to title page, which has two early ownership signatures (of Roger Noulton, one struck through), brief (illegible) early annotation to recto of leaf B3. $1,500. * Nineteen acts from the eighth year of Elizabeth I. Some of the more interesting acts include several dealing with manufacturing, "An act declarying the maner of making and consecratyng of the Archbishops and Byshops of this Realme, to be good, lawful, and perfect," and "An acte whereby the defendaunt may recover his costes, beyng wrongfully vexed." The latter act ended the practice of fictitious actions in King's Bench, a less-than-ethical "jurisdictional dodge" that allowed false trespass complaints to be brought in order to give King's Bench authority "over common pleas such as debt" (Baker). Baker, Introduction to English Legal History (5th ed.) 49. Beale, A Bibliography of Early English Law Books S287a. English Short-Title Catalogue S121671.
Price: $1,500.00
Book number 75192