The Law of Simony, Containing, All the Statutes, Cases at Large...
The Only Work on the English Law of Simony Cunningham, T[imothy] [1718?-1789]. The Law of Simony: Containing, All the Statutes, Cases at Large, Arguments, Resolutions, And Judgments Concerning It, Under the Following Heads: Chap. I. Definition, And Oath of Simony, And by What Authority this Oath is Administered. Chap. II. Of Simony, By the Canon and Common Law; The Stat. of 31st Eliz. c. 6. Concerning It; And the Erroneous Opinions of Lord Holt, And Several Other Judges, In Saying that the Word Simony is Not in that Act. Chap. III. Commentaries and Determinations upon that Act, From Lord Coke, And Other Reporters Chap. IV. Cases Adjudged at Law and in Equity, Respecting General and Special Bonds of Resignation. (...) Chap. XII. The Cases at Large in the Great Cause Determined in the House of Peers, In May 1783, Between the Right Reverend Robert Lord Bishop of London and Lewis Disney Ffytche, Esq. On a Writ of Error from the Court of King's Bench, With the Arguments of the Judges, Namely, Mr. Justice Heath, Buller, Nares, Willes, And Gould, And of the Lord Chief Baron Skynner, Mr. Baron Perryn, And Mr. Baron Eyre, In Support of Their Respective Answers to the 12 Questions Proposed to Them by the Lords, On the Motions of Lord Thurlow and the Earl of Mansfield; And also, The Speeches of the Bishops of Salisbury, Bangor, Llandaff, And Gloucester, Of Lord Thurlow, The Earl of Mansfield, And the Duke of Richmond; With the Judgment of the House of Peers, As It is Entered in Their Journal. London: Printed by His Majesty's Law-Printers, 1784. [ii], xvi, 192 pp. Octavo (8-1/4" x 4-1/2"). Recent buckram, gilt fillets, title and library name to spine, endpapers renewed. Very light soiling to boards, light rubbing to spine ends and corners, light fading to spine, library bookplate and small stickers to front pastedown. Light toning to interior, occasional light foxing, somewhat heavier to first few leaves, half-title reinforced at gutter, ink library stamps to half-title, title page and a few other pages, pencil underlining and marginal marks to a few leaves. $500. * Only edition. This is the only work on the buying or selling of ecclesiastical privileges under English law. It provides a detailed review of its criminal nature and its association with perjury. According to Holdsworth, it is "an intelligent summary of the case law and.
Price: $500.00
Book number 75725